Botte Mote

Botte Mote [Final]

expanding flower structure                                                                photo: Rodrigo Rubio

Team: Isabel González, Lucas López, Javier Yela

Botte-mote departed from the implementation of small plastic bottle as a joint [rótula] that was first built with cardboard. Then the team went on exploring the potential of the mechanism, prototyping it in 3mm plywood.

Several applications of the mechanism were developed, combining multiple joints in scissor like devices. One of the possible applications to be presented in the Plaza de Santa Ana will be small tables to accompany the existing benches, that we may use to put our fliers.

The table -Backpack structure                                                         photo: Rodrigo Rubio

The Table Backpack structure ready to be used                     photo: Rodrigo Rubio

Another version of the Table exploring the dynamics of the mechanism and the material at hand [mdf 3mm]                                                            photo: Rodrigo Rubio

Panel Botte Mote

Flyer Botte Mote

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